Hoof trimming and other handling procedures are often an essential part of any goat, sheep, or livestock operation. If you’re dealing with a large herd, or you have several stubborn animals attempting to physically manipulate them by hand by proving challenging. Indeed, some people have even become injured in the attempt.

Here at D-S Livestock Equipment, we offer a range of work tables and workstations that are designed to ease operations while also reducing the amount of stress the animal experiences.

One of the more effective options for handling sheep and goats is our Turn O’Matic workstation.

The TM5000 acts like a chute door, for loading the animal. Once the animal enters the enclosure, you simply press a button and it gently, yet firmly squeezes them to ensure they are immobilized. You can then operate the lift feature to raise them up.

You can then trim their feet or perform any other necessary procedures.

Our TM5000 can handle animals up to 310 pounds and can incorporate an optional wheel set or bolt on end gate. If you need to handle a larger animal, such as a Boer goat Buck we also offer our TM5000-2G, which is capable of handling animals up to 400 pounds in weight.

If you have a goat, sheep or cattle operation and you need a quality work table or workstation, you should call 800-949-9997 to speak to a representative at D-S Livestock Handling Equipment.

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DS Livestock