Successful cow and calf operations make the most of farm resources to boost herd profitability and farm productivity. If you have less than fifty head of cattle, focusing on herd processes that not only improve time but also resource management can make all the difference. What can your operation do to improve herd sustainability?

1-Keep your cattle healthy: Using the right livestock equipment and lessening the handling and environmental stresses on your cattle helps protect their health and profitability.

2-Keep accurate records: Tracking the performance of the cattle in the herd can help you take better care of them. Noting the calf’s place of origin, date of birth, and health care records (vaccinations, deworming, etc.) is ideal.

3-Controlled calving season: Defining a calving season can save you resources, time and labor if you are a small cattle operation. Making sure the cow herd calves in 90 days or less helps with foraging for optimal nutrition, implementing a targeted feeding program, promoting health maintenance and record-keeping as well.

By implementing crossbreeding, you can boost production traits like growth, fertility, and longevity by breeding genetically different animals of separate breeds. Implementing growth-promoting implants (small pellets with slow-release hormones) that increase muscle growth for steer calves and heifers to be sold to the feedlot can also make a difference. Feeder cattle not intended for breeding should be castrated before the age of 3 months or as close to that as possible. And finally, it is vital to properly restrain calves before dehorning them.

If you are looking for livestock handling equipment, our D-S Livestock Equipment in Frostburg, MD, has you covered! You can call us with your questions at 800-949-9997. Also, Check out our Livestock Handling Products.

Article Source:
Beef Herd Management Strategies

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