With winter gripping most of the nation, the southern states are proudly hosting quite a few livestock shows. If you’re looking to thin the herd a bit before heading into spring, you’ll want to sell what livestock you can at these shows.

However, even your best stock – from sheep to cattle – can benefit from great show equipment. That’s why our team at [practice_name] is here to help you out. Let’s look at a few of the options we offer to help you show off your stock in the best manner possible.


From sheep to cattle, we have stands that’ll help present any of your stock better to potential buyers. Especially if you’re selling smaller cattle for their growth potential (especially any Angus you may have in your herd), these stands are guaranteed to show off your stock in a great way and stand up to the abuse of the show circuit.

Hay baskets

When you’re off on the show circuit, you don’t want your stock eating feed that you don’t know for a fact is the type you’d give them at home. For that reason, you should look at our hay baskets and see how they’ll provide great, durable transportation of feed from show to show so you don’t have to worry about feed while on the road.

If you have any other questions about show equipment, or your livestock in general, call us today at [phone].

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DS Livestock