Winter season is around the corner and farmers who work with goats and sheep need to make sure that lambing and kidding season progresses properly to reach anticipated production goals. Successful breeding means taking advantage of the best times to mate and give birth so that the animals have access to the nutrition they need to thrive.

Lambing/kidding season includes the months of September/October where they will give birth five months later. At this stage, your animals need to have the necessary support to ensure the survival of the lambs and kids. This includes preventing the animals’ exposure to health problems and access to optimal feed.

If you are a commercial producer, having the right kind of facilities to support winter kidding is essential. Providing proper feed, clean water, hay that is fresh and pens that are dry with bedding and providing needed health care. Checking the does once a month or more before kidding means checking hoofs, providing vaccines and making sure there are no lice and worms. And finally, making sure the does and kids are protected from the harsh winter weather effects, depending on your climate.

You’ll likely need to provide extra care for these animals during the winter to protect them from the cold and keep them warm. Sufficient feed will stoke their metabolism for needed body heat. Your successful livestock operation depends on your animal’s thriving under your care.

At D-S Livestock and Equipment, we have all the handling equipment you may need to care for your animals and keep them healthy for maximum productivity. We ship around the world and offer in-house financing as needed. We offer high-quality, hot-dipped galvanized sheep and goat handling equipment:

  • Feeders
  • Lambing Creeping & Kidding Creeping
  • Loading & Hauling
  • Open Bar Panels & Doors
  • Solid Panels & Doors
  • Handling Systems
  • Handling Systems Components
  • Show Equipment
  • Weighing
  • Work Tables & Stations

If you need sheep, goat or cattle livestock handling equipment, give our D-S Livestock Equipment operation in Frostburg, MD a call at 800-949-9997 or request a catalog.

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DS Livestock