When you are looking for new, dependable, quality handling equipment to stock a new operation in a new location, you don’t want to have to take unnecessary time away from planning changes, arranging transportation, or expanding space and all the other things on your plate.

Whether you are looking for livestock equipment because of expansion, or simply managing and transporting a herd and you need new equipment, you don’t want to have to wait around for it to arrive. At D-S Livestock Equipment located in Frostburg, Maryland, we are proud to offer our customers a large inventory of high-quality livestock equipment, including gates, chutes, handling and weighing equipment, and more.

Thanks to this inventory, we are pleased to be able to ship most livestock equipment orders within one week, both nationally and worldwide. And around 95% of our orders are prepared and shipped within 24 hours of placement.

If you own and manage a rural livestock operation, whether it is for sheep, goat or cattle, you may also want to have access to printed materials in case you don’t have the wireless internet signals you prefer. This is why we offer our customers a printed catalog at no extra charge, no matter where you reside around the world. In fact, we have been supplying customers all over the U.S., and Canada, Japan, Africa, Costa Rica, among others. In fact, we have helped supply large-scale products to ranches and other livestock operations to all corners of the globe.

Another benefit we offer our customers is easy approval for financing unlike that of many banks and financial institutions. Our interest rates are not only fair, but competitive, and our inventory is readily available as outlined above. We can also assist by arranging minimal down payments to maintain your monthly cash flow as well as outline potential tax deductions.

So if you are currently looking for quality livestock handling equipment and possible financing, please call 1-800-949-9997 to speak to one of our helpful representatives at D-S Livestock Equipment. And if you would like to request a FREE catalog of our livestock for cattle, sheep and goats, just fill out our online form HERE. We look forward to assisting you with your livestock needs.

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DS Livestock