A Guide for Sheep, Goats, and Cattle

Welcome to D-S Livestock Handling Equipment online! For more than 30 years now, we have been helping customers in the livestock industry obtain the quality products they need for their farm or operation to thrive.  Here are some common livestock handling equipment used for sheep, cattle, and goats.

Livestock Equipment

-Panels and Gates: Sturdy panels and gates are essential for creating pens, corrals, and handling chutes. They are used to separate and contain the animals during various tasks such as sorting, weighing, and loading.

-Chutes and Races: These are narrow passageways designed to guide animals into a controlled area for handling. They help in reducing stress and increasing safety during procedures like vaccinations, hoof trimming, and shearing.

-Headgates: A headgate is a device used to restrain the animal’s head while allowing access for necessary procedures such as veterinary treatments, tagging, or milking.

-Squeeze Chutes: Squeeze chutes are sturdy enclosures that restrain the animal safely while providing minimal movement. They are commonly used for tasks requiring close contact, such as artificial insemination, hoof care, or veterinary examinations.

-Sorting Systems: Sorting systems include alleys, gates, and sorting pens that enable the separation and sorting of livestock based on specific criteria, such as weight, size, or health conditions.

-Loading Ramps: Loading ramps facilitate the safe and efficient loading of animals onto trailers or trucks for transportation. They are designed with anti-slip surfaces and adjustable heights to accommodate different livestock sizes.

-Weighing Scales: Accurate weighing is essential for monitoring animal health, growth, and determining appropriate feed rations. Livestock scales are available in various types, including platform scales, chute scales, and hanging scales.

-Tagging and Identification: Equipment such as ear tags, tattoo pliers, and electronic identification (EID) systems are used for livestock identification, which helps with record-keeping, tracking, and traceability.

-Shearing Equipment: Sheep shearing equipment, including shears, combs, and cutters, are necessary for removing wool from sheep. Electric or manual tools are used depending on the scale and type of operation.

-Handling Tools: Various tools are used during livestock handling, including sorting sticks, prods, halters, and lead ropes. These aids assist in guiding animals and maintaining control during movement.

Shop with DS Livestock Handling Equipment 

There are many benefits to sourcing your livestock handling equipment with our team. We provide high-quality products and services at competitive prices. Our hot dipped galvanized equipment means there’s no paint and no rust. We offer financing options so you can make monthly payments you can afford, and we maintain a large inventory so we can ship your equipment right away, anywhere in the world!

Please contact us to request a free livestock equipment catalog or to place an order.  Email us at dslivequip@gmail.com or call today at 800-949-9997.

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DS Livestock