There are many factors that contribute to maintaining a thriving livestock operation. Each year your range, the number of head, and scope of service can expand and change. This might also include starting a new operation in a different location.

When an opportunity arises to expand your operation, or open a new track, you will likely need to purchase new livestock handling equipment. This could include new chutes, gates, handling and weighing equipment, as well as other specialty items.

Sometimes the overhead costs can exceed your liquid capital. In a situation like this, you can turn to D-S Livestock Equipment. We generally offer easier approval than you will find from a bank or other financial institution. We offer fair and competitive interest rates and an available inventory that can ship within seven business days.

Where it’s applicable, we can also help you understand some of the potential tax benefits of financing through D-S Livestock Equipment. This might include tax deductions and improved financial reporting.

We can also work with you to understand the minimal down payments required and payments associated with your monthly cash flow.

If you need high-quality livestock handling equipment to expand your goat, sheep or cattle operation, with friendly financing, you should call 1-800-949-9997 to speak to a representative at D-S Livestock Equipment.

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DS Livestock