Providing goats and sheep with seasonal veterinary care, general inspections, weight monitoring and other procedures play an important role in many livestock operations. Manual components and manual handling can be challenging with some animals especially when attempting to groom a stressed buck or ram.

Here at D-S Livestock Handling Equipment we have years of experience providing quality equipment to a wide range of sheep, goat and cattle operations. We maintain a large overhead inventory at our Frostburg, Maryland, headquarters which allows us to ship orders quickly.

Our WS8000 Electric Work Platform can be integrated with most raceway designs. The unit can rise from ground level to a height of 36-inches in 15-seconds and has a weight capacity of 390 pounds, which can accommodate large animals such as a buck Boer goat.

The Electric Work Platform includes a ground Rollin’ Stop Gate which allows it to hook into your raceway. The unit includes also incorporates a bi-fold gate on work deck.

When the animal enters the platform, you pull the overhead bar which weighs it. The headgate can then be opened enough to entice the sheep or goat to enter before you lock them in the unit. The platform has double access doors, which allows you to work on the animal at a height that is comfortable for you. When you are done, you can release the animal straight through the headgate or out the side doors.

If you have a goat or sheep operation and you need to incorporate a durable lifted work platform to your raceway, you should call 800-949-9997 to speak to a representative at D-S Livestock Handling Equipment.

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DS Livestock