Have you started running a goat operation? If so, you’ll need dependable, quality livestock gear to help your animals and your business thrive. Our D-S Livestock equipment company has been helping goat farmers and livestock producers raise goats for many years now. There are some basic, essential equipment items you should have if you are new to a livestock operation. Our experienced team offers options for running a successful goat operation.

1 – Quality Feeders

Keeping goats healthy means feeding them quality food with easy-to-access equipment. Perusing the market you’ll typically come across bale feeders, hay baskets and troughs to supply the basics. Our livestock team recommends using a combination feeder that allows you to provide your goats with both the hay and grain they need in just one piece of equipment. Depending on the weather in your location, keeping rain and moisture out of your goats feed may also be a factor. We have feeders that provide protection from the elements wherever your feeders are located.

2 – Handling Systems

The choice of handling systems ranges from basic to complex, and choosing the right one for your operation can make the day-to-day tasks run more efficiently. Our handling systems offer components that make sorting, deworming, inspecting and tagging your goats simple, easy and safe (for your handlers and goats alike).

3 – Weighing Equipment

Regularly weighing your goats supports your business by helping you track the health of each individual goat. Knowing the weight of each goat allows you to more accurately calculate the dosage of any medication they need, keep food rations balanced and be able to track weight gain to make adjustments as needed.

4 – Work Tables

Having a work table is vital for your goat operation. Without it handling, flipping and keeping your goat standing still can be a challenge. Our D-S livestock business offers work tables and station options to help you keep your goats and your workers safe. Work tables keep your goat upright and secure so it can be safely flipped with minimal hassle.

We welcome you to browse our website or order a catalog so you can see the livestock equipment you might need in one handy place. Your animal’s safety and your operation thriving is our goal! We invite you to give us a call today at [phone] and get the equipment you need!

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DS Livestock